Dandelion Jelly
Dandelion Jelly
This jelly is very good and tastes a bit like honey, plus has a consistency of honey.
I was out in the pasture collecting dandelions, the neighbor that was out changing his irrigation came over to the fence and said he didn’t want to be nosy “but what the hell are you doing”? I told him I was going to make jelly. He just shook his head and walked away.
Gather a big container of dandelion flowers, no stems. Pull the petals off of the pod with enough to fill a gallon jar. Fill jar with with boiling water and let steep for 24 hours. Strain through a coffee filter into a stainless steel pot.
3 cups dandelion tea
4 1/2 cups sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 box powdered pectin
Follow directions on pectin box for canning instructions.