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Cold Climate Gardening
The Hardiest of the Hardy – plants, trees and shrubs for central Oregon gardens. This 8 ½” by 11” soft cover book consists of 110 pages. You will find all of the information you need for gardening in the fluctuating climate of Central Oregon. What, When and Where to plant.
$16.99 plus $3.95 shipping and handling.
Home Grown Cooking
In today’s world there are very few experiences that are as appealing when cooking or baking with fruits or vegetables that you have harvested from your own garden. This 5½” by 8” soft cover book consists of 202 pages of information on sowing, growing, harvesting and using mother natures bounty.
$16.99 plus $3.95 shipping and handling
Wild Game Dutch Oven Cooking
From the Hunt to Your Table. This 5 ½" by 8” soft covered book consists of 150 pages. In this book you will find complete instructions for getting started in Dutch oven cooking, plus recipes for utilizing many species of wild game including antelope, bear, elk and venison. You will find recipes for both small and large game and many marinade and sauce recipes to accompany the cooked game. Complete cooking terms and techniques are also included.
$15.00 plus $3.95 shipping and handling.
Central Oregon Dutch Oven Cookbook Volume 1
This 5 ½" by 8” soft covered book consists of 118 pages. In this book you will find complete instructions for getting started in Dutch oven cooking. This book features recipes from the Central Oregon Dutch Oven Society and includes recipes for cooking and baking breads, main dishes, soups and desserts.
$15.00 plus $3.95 shipping and handling.
Interested in becoming a dutch oven cook? Visit DutchOvenStuff.com.
Central Oregon Dutch Oven Cookbook Volume 2
This 5 ½" by 8” soft covered book consists of 154 pages. You will find complete instructions for getting started in Dutch oven cooking featuring recipes from the Central Oregon Dutch Oven Society. This book contains recipes not included in Volume 1. You will find recipes for breakfast, breads, soups, main dishes and desserts. All recipes have been cooked and baked by members of the cooking club and are sure to be winners at your next cooking event.
$15.00 plus $3.95 shipping and handling.
Rhubarb Cookbook
Rhubarb is not just for pies. Learn the secrets of growing, harvesting, and storing rhubarb in this sweet 5½” x 8” soft cover cookbook. This book consists of 141 pages with 62 recipes using rhubarb, plus as a special bonus you will find instructions for making beautiful bird baths out of the rhubarb leaves.
Click here for a great Rhubarb Salsa recipe!
$12.99 plus $3.95 shipping and handling.
L & S Gardens
“28 Years in Business and Still Growing”