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"Linda, you continue to amaze me and bless me with your very helpful and educational information you impart to your fellow gardeners. Thank you, thank you!"

--Judy Mackey, Sisters, Oregon




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Bend, Oregon


2013 Gardening Tips

1/21/13 - Calcium in your Garden - Crushed Egg Shells

3/2/13 - Snow Mold in Your Lawn

3/27/13 - Spring Lawn Care

5/16/13 - Is Your Rhubarb Getting a Large Seed Head on it?

7/24/13 - Perennial of the Week

10/14/13 - Bulb Basics - Time to Plant


1/21/13 - Calcium in your Garden - Crushed Egg Shells

Every plant needs calcium and lots of it. Lack of calcium in the soil shows up in many ways.

Blossom-end rot in tomatoes is calcium related. As are bitter pit in apples and cavity spots in carrots. Many forms of fruit and vegetable deformation can usually be tracked back to calcium deficiency. Some other things to look for are abnormal looking young leaves, short brown shoots, increase in fungus problems, weak stems and general stunted growth.

'pH does not indicate level of calcium availability. This is a big garden myth. As pH rises, calcium becomes less soluble. Added calcium (in some forms) can move the pH scale higher, but so can added magnesium and potassium. Excesses of these nutrients can actually reduce calcium uptake in plants while still raising the pH.

If you are like me you view soil testing as a bother and don't want to have to number crunch calcium/magnesium ratios.

In this case one of the best ways to add calcium is compost. Another no-worry approach is by applying an Organic calcium foliar spray that you can spray directly on the plants. OR you can start saving your egg shells, when dry crush them up in your blender and then in the spring as you are planting your vegetables place a couple teaspoons under each plant. 95% of dry egg shells is calcium carbonate.

A few other additives: Limestone - Calcium Carbonate Gypsum - Calcium Sulfate Bonemeal

Questions - email or call - no question goes unanswered.

3/2/13 - Snow Mold in Your Lawn

Snow Mold is one of the first diseases we have to contend with in the spring.

Snow mold fungi are active at temperatures just above freezing in moist conditions. These conditions occur most frequently under snow cover or anything else that covers the grass, such as fallen leaves.

Snow MoldDamage from snow mold fungi usually becomes apparent as the snow melts and exposes the grass in late winter. Snow mold symptoms consist of roughly circular patches (at least 3 to 12 inches) of dead and matted grass blades. In severe cases, these patches join together and may not be recognizable as individual circles. I find that snow mold is usually more severe on the north side of the home where the snow lingers the longest. In the early spring as the lawn dries out from winter, take a lawn rake and fluff up the matted grass. This will get the air to circulate around the grass blades and dry out quicker. Mow the lawn to remove any needles and grass debris. Apply a fertilizer of 21-7-14 to the lawn.

If you do not see these snow mold areas become green along with the rest of the lawn then you may want to think about re-seeding the area. Since snow mold is a fungus, you will want to apply a liquid or granular fungicide prior to seeding.
The most important means of preventing or reducing snow mold problems in the lawn is the care of the grass at the end of the summer season. As long as the grass continues to grow it should be mowed.

Because snow mold activity is greatest beneath covers that maintain moist conditions, all leaves or other materials should be removed from the lawn. In addition, it is best to avoid piling snow deeply on the lawn.


3/27/13 - Spring Lawn Care

Are you ready for Spring?

One of your first chores will be to give some attention to your lawn. Give your lawn a good raking and then go over it with your lawn mower.

If you have an established lawn apply a 21-7-14 fertilizer. If your lawn is less than 2 years old I recommend a 16-16-16. You do not have to worry about turning on your sprinklers, we are going to get some more moisture, probably in the form of a light snow, but maybe it will just be rain.

Once we get some spring warming you may want to either thatch or aerate your lawn. If you have areas that are compacted and the water does not penetrate to the roots then I recommend aerating. If you have a soft spongy lawn then thatching will be in your future. You will want to wait until the lawn has dried out to do either of these chores.

When you are ready to do either of these chores give Mark at Peak Performance a call (541) 536-3893 and tell him you want the L & S Gardens discount.

I have just moved some of our HARDY PANSIES out for sale. You might want to think of a bit of spring color while you are waiting for your tulips and daffodils to come up and bloom.


5/16/13 - Is Your Rhubarb Getting a Large Seed Head on it?

Is your Rhubarb getting a large seed head on it, cut it off. The cold weather we had going right into hot weather has caused our Rhubarb to bolt (set seed). By letting the seed stalk stay on the plant will deprive the useable stalks from nutrients.
Cold weather is predicted so be prepared to cover some of your tender plants - yikes - they are even saying we could get a dusting of snow. I knew this nice weather was too good to be true.

I just got confirmation that our seed potatoes have been shipped !!! The timing will be perfect for your planting. We have onion sets ready to plant and our green houses are full of perennials and lots and lots of annuals and herbs.

Rhubarb Festival June 8 from 9 to 4 - be there or be square!


7/24/13 - Perennial of the Week

Our Perennial of the Week is Achillea (yarrow). The colored yarrows are beautiful in the garden. Very hardy, many colors, grows 18 to 24 inches. Nice cut flower. Now $6.50
I'm also leaving last week perennial, Iceland Poppy, on special at $6.50

Are you seeing round holes in some of your trees leaves? Have no fear, that is the Cutter Bee gathering leaves for it's nest. This bee is a great pollinator and the holes will not harm your tree.

CHICKEN COOP TOUR LUNCHEON - once again my friends and I will be doing a luncheon during the Chicken Coop and Garden Tour on August 10. Lunch will be served in the event area starting at 11:30 to 1:30 at a cost of $10 per person. Menu includes, Chicken pocket bread sandwich, Green Salad with Feta Cheese, Amber's special Blueberry Oat Bars and Iced Tea or Lemonade. Lunch tickets are available here in the nursery and must be purchased prior to August 10. You can also purchase your tour guide pamphlet that shows you the addresses of the Coops and Gardens at L & S Gardens for $10.
There is also a bus available that will take you to the tour sites and then stop at the nursery for lunch, cost is $40 and sign up by going to Little d Tech on 3rd street or call them at 541-536-1079 to make your reservation.

NOW AVAILABLE in our store my famous Rhubarb Jams. Rhubarb Peach, Raspberry, Strawberry, Blueberry, Marionberry and fresh out of the batch my Rhubarb Cranberry. These homemade jams make great gifts. All fresh fruit and ingredients. Gluten free and YUMMY! And naturally I grow all of the Rhubarb used in my jams.

I'm always available for garden questions, come into the nursery or call 541-536-2049.
If you have a pest or disease problem please put the leaf or limb in a plastic bag, I don't want the nursery contaminated.


10/14/13 - Bulb Basics - Time to Plant

The ground is cool, weather is cool - perfect time to plant bulbs. I know you are probably tired of gardening for the season, but trust me, you will thank yourself in the spring when all of those glorious bulbs make their appearance.

Work some good compost into the soil that you are going to plant bulbs in. Don't plant your bulbs in rows. Plant two to three bulbs in a hole (plant lots). Plant your bulbs to a depth 3 times the size of the bulb, add a couple of table spoons of bulb food in each hole. Cover the bulbs and wait for spring.

Remember: You do not plant tulips and daffodils in the same hole. Deer do not normally eat daffodils.

I have found some really nice bulbs at Costco. You get what you pay for so go for the biggest bulbs you can find. Don't buy bulbs that feel soft. I look for tulips that say "late bloomer" on them. For our cool climate this is a good choice. I'm sure that there are bulbs available at other stores but be careful of your selection.




Gardening Tips Archives:

Garden Updates 2014

Garden Updates 2013

Garden Updates 2012

Garden Updates 2011

Garden Updates 2010

Garden Updates 2009

Garden Updates 2008

Garden Updates 2007


L & S Gardens
“28 Years in Business and Still Growing”

Oregon Department of Agriculture
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“Very clean nursery, plants beautiful and healthy.
No plant pests or pathogens.
Best nursery in Central Oregon!”


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